
Spring Registration

The students took home their Spring registration form this week.  Please fill it out accordingly and return it as soon as possible.  Returning it with the intent for your student to continue at PdS will ensure your student's place for the new school year.  If your intent is for your student to not return next year, please be sure to fill out the back and return it.  Either way, whether you wish or do not wish for your student to return next school year, this form needs to be returned as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.

March 21st - March 25th

Hello families!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  As a reminder, the students will be getting their Spring Pictures taken Thursday of this week!  Please return the picture form- no money yet- by Thursday.  This will indicate the choice of pose you would like to have.  If we do not recieve a form back by Thursday, those students will do the generic pose as required by the photography team.  

Below are the spelling words for the week.  They are words with sh and ch blends:
  1. short
  2. chair
  3. shoe
  4. check
  5. children
  6. shared
  7. shining
  8. shape
  9. chase
  10. cheek
Have a great week!

Second Grade
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School
Sierra Vista, AZ

Spring Pictures          Thursday, March 24th

Miguel                       30th

Fourth Quarter

I hope everyone has been enjoying their Spring Break!  I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday the 21st- the start of our 4th quarter!  Enjoy the next few days off!

Yearbook orders

The deadline for the yearbook orders has been extended to next Friday, March 11th.  Ordering this will be a great opportunity to keep the memories of this year alive.  Thank you for all you do!

The Toucan Squawk, Feb. 28th - Mar. 5th

Hello families!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  The students are completing St. Patrick's day-related art crafts for our bulletin board.  So far, a St. Patrick's Day pot stewing up some good luck puzzle shamrocks.  They are currently working on coloring leprechans, which will be cut out and posted on the bulletin board as well.  It's turning out really cute, and I'll definietly have to post a picture of it when it's completed. 

The students completed their unit on contractions, so it will continue to pop up in their homework every now and then.  We will be moving on to a review of previously introduced concepts for the rest of the week, and then move on to a new unit.  In math, the students have completed their unit on graphing and have moved on to unknown numbers in a pattern.  It's a concept students have been introduced to in 1st grade, as well as earlier in the year.  For students who have grasped the concept, they will be completing challenge work.  The students read a story about fossils last week, and are reading another story about fossils.  This week's story is different, as it is a Time for Kids Special Report.  Both stories proved to be fun for the students to read, and they have been great segways for a future science unit.  Below are the spelling words, they are words from social studies.         
  1. bone
  2. drill
  3. ocean
  4. stone
  5. deep
  6. hill
  7. oil
  8. digging
  9. land
  10. remains
Mar. 11th                    1/2 day, early release at 10:45
Mar. 14th - 18th          Spring Break, no school
Mar. 25th                    Report cards go home

Miguel                         March 30th