
Spring Carnival and Pen Pal Day

Tomorrow is our Spring Carnival!  It will start at approximately 4:30, and go through 6:30.  Tickets will be sold on campus for the games, which will be all over the school.  Win prizes for playing!  You can also buy previously used DVDs, VHS, and books donated by your PDS family.  Hope to see you there!

Pen Pal Day will be on May 3rd.  We will be traveling to Bella Vista to visit our pen pals.  The students will be taking home their permission slips today.  Please sign and fill everything out accordingly so your student will be able to attend.  If you would like to join us, please indicate so on the green page.  Thank you for doing this quickly.  I was told about day yesterday, so it's a bit of a rush to get the slips in.

Thank you for all you do!

Second Grade
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School
Sierra Vista, AZ

The Toucan Squawk, April 25th - 29th

Hello families!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend.  The students have finished their reading series book, so we are completing in-class book reports, as well as starting some chapter book reading groups.  We are also continuing to cover fractions, as well as introduce math centers.  In addition to our spelling centers, my plans are to finish off the rest of April and on into part of May with math centers to reinforce topics covered through the entire school year.  These centers will not only reinforce, but also have mini-introductions to 3rd grade material to be covered at the beginning of next year.  Granted, the students have the 2 months off for summer vacation, but these introductions will encourage students to stay motivated and continue to challenge themselves.  My hopes are this can be accomplished with simple centers all students will complete, and produce finished products. 

Something else which is coming up for the students is their AR Goal achievement reward for the entire school year.  We've been working hard for the past year on completeing the at least 20 points and 85% for the goal.  Several students have achieved above and beyond this standard, but all students who have achieved their goal deserve their reward.  My plan is for these students to enjoy an ice cream social, complete with a choice of candies and other sweet toppings.  More news is to come regarding this special event, including the date- with so much activity going on currently, I don't want to set a date and then later have to change it!  I will be out for a professional conference May 9th - 11th, so we will have our social after I return.  However, it will definietly prove to be a lot of fun for the deserving students.             

The following are our spelling words for the week.  Despite being another short week, we'll have our spelling test on Friday as usual:
  1. match
  2. vacation
  3. cracking
  4. become
  5. sprang
  6. boring
  7. elephant
  8. giggle
  9. lemon
  10. seventy

Spring Carnival                                April 29th
Move up Day and Field Day           ??

Shayla                                               April 29th

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School
Sierra Vista, AZ

The challenge is on!

Which PdS classroom can bring in the most children’s used books for 1 point or video tapes/DVD’s for 2 points for our Annual Spring Carnival? 

These must be suitable for children. 

So clean out your closets and start counting today! 

Books, tapes, and DVDs need to be turned in prior to April 28th. 

Title I will have an ice cream treat for the K-2 and 3-6 classroom winner.

The Toucan Squawk, April 4th - 8th

Hello families!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  The spelling words for this week are words with Wh and Th Diagraphs: 
  1. there
  2. than
  3. whimper
  4. whale
  5. thought
  6. whirl
  7. them
  8. wheel
  9. through
  10. whisper 
This week are continuing their unit in Fractions, and are also practicing how to take tests with the Stanford 10 format.  This test format is a bit tough for some students, so we are working on taking multiple choice tests, as well listening to directions.  The test is mainly set up with me reading the directions, and the students making their selection on their paper.  Tomorrow, the students will be getting a printed format of the test, so they can practice on paper.  I'll also be giving the students a snack both testing days to help them concentrate on the test, rather than on being hungry.  Today we also talked about what they will need to remember to do for each testing day.  The following is what we talked about:
  1. Get a good night's sleep.
  2. Eat a healthy and substantial breakfast.
  3. Listen to the directions.
The tests are spread across two, possibly three days (Monday and Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday).  I ask the following of everyone to help your students do their best on their tests:
  1. Schedule all appointments AFTER the end of the school day.  Students who are checked out midday will not be admitted to the classroom, and will not be able to complete the test.
  2. If you believe your student to be sick, keep them home.  Students who miss THE ENTIRE DAY will have the chance to make-up the missed section.
  3. Have available a breakfast which is substanial and healthy.  This will encourage students to concentrate on their tests, rather than being hungry. 
  4. Encourage getting a full night's sleep.  This will encourage students to concentrate on their tests, rather than being tired.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school.

Have a great weekend!

Apr. 11          PTO Meeting, 1:45, Faculty Lounge
Apr. 11- 15   Testing Week, AIMs and Stanford 10
Apr. 20          Progress Reports go home
Apr. 22 - 25  Spring Holiday, no school
Apr. 29          PdS Spring Carnival, 4:30 - 6:30

Apr. 9th         Cameron
Ap. 30th        Shayla