
There really are no words...

PdS will be doing a review of our school lock-down procedures this coming week.  With events such as this being periodically televised, it's a tough subject to discuss with kids- of any age.  I am not planning on discussing the events with the students- as I feel it is best left up to families to discuss such events.  However, please don't hesitate to contact the school counselor Mrs. Mazanek if you feel the need for your child.  She's an amazing counselor, and the kiddos may feel a sense of comfort talking with her.

Thank you for sharing your children with me.

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Friday, Dec. 14th


It’s heartbreaking for me to have to say this, but there will not be any PJs, movie, and hot coco tomorrow afternoon.  We’ve had several issues with behavior, with several students, and unfortunately it has brought the rest of the class down.  To be clear, we may have the chance to watch the movie next week- but now it’s been shifted to something they are earning.  My apologies for the late notice.


Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

The Toucan Squawk, Dec. 10 - 14

Hello families...I hope everyone has been enjoying their December so far.  We have been continuing our work in word problems and abbreviations this week.  The key words have helped a lot, but I've noticed some back peddling with showing regrouping and borrowing numbers.  Ironically enough, we are working on addition with regrouping in our Daily Math Skills (the daily timed tests the kids have probably mentioned), and subtraction is coming up next.  I'll be returning some work tomorrow some of the kids will need to correct to show their work on, so hopefully this will help them remember they need those regrouping and borrowing numbers.

My plan is for the kids to watch "The Polar Express" this coming Friday afternoon.  The students are also invited to wear their PJs on Friday, as this goes along with the story.  It's only a suggestion for the students to wear their PJs- it's definitely not a requirement.  As a reminder, please still send in your student with their jacket or coat and sneakers.  They also invited to bring a stuffed animal.  We'll have hot coco with marshmallows and cookies.  We will also have holiday-themed center rotations next week. I sent home a letter last week asking for donations for Friday and next week (it was a bright pink paper).  If you haven't done so yet, please send in your requested item.  A BIG thank you in advance!

I will be leaving early for my Winter Break (the 20th), so I bumped up the holiday-themed activities by a week.  I already have a substitute teacher set up (she's amazing, and looking forward to spending the last day and a half with the class).  She'll have plans ready for the kids to complete center rotations on Thursday the 20th and a movie on Friday the 21st.  Friday is also the holiday program.  The students will go to that at 8:15, and then have recess directly afterwards.  It should be a fairly quick day.

As you have most likely noticed the weather is continuing to get chillier every day.  Of course, this is still Arizona so next week may just jump back up to the 80s.  Despite the "in between" weather we're having, please still send your student in with a jacket or coat.  I've had several students say they aren't cold, so they don't bring one.  Or, they don't want to take it with them at their recesses.  I always tell the students "It's better to have it, and not need it- than need it, and not have it."  Whether they wear it or not, it's their option (although, I've noticed pretty much everybody wear their jacket or coat when we go outside- even the kiddos who say they aren't cold).  With the stomach bug and flu several other classes have had to deal with, it's imperative every student has something warm to wear.  If there is a financial issue of your student not having a coat or jacket, please let me know.  I can send your student to the nurse, and she can give them something warm.

The students have been taking their STAR Reading and Math tests- I've seen some excellent progress!  They have been taking their Running Record tests.  All of these tests are given to each student at the end of each quarter.  I have not given the students their 3rd Quarter reading level yet- as this I will give them in January (next month- unbelievable!).  I have a few students I am having retake their STAR Reading test, however, as they actually jumped down levels instead of going up.  I'm hoping for some improvement.

The students have most likely mentioned- we've had an intruder in our room!  This is Timmy, our classroom elf.

As you can see, he's been pretty messy.  This is only a little bit of what he's done...so far!

 He even made a snow angel this week!

And took a bath...crazy elf!
But he brought something really special...Bucket of Good Cheer.  The students have been able to leave a "good cheer ticket" for classmates.  These are chosen at the end of the day, and read to the class.  The receiver gets a prize for being such a special friend.

We'll see if he does anything else tomorrow.  And since he doesn't work Fridays, we'll have to wait until Monday to see what mess he'll leave for us our last week of school this semester.
Dec. 21                          Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30.
Dec. 24 - Jan. 4             Winter Break, no school. 
Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade