
Belated Squawk

It seems I've neglected the class blog- my apologies about that. 

I'm sure the students have either spoken about it, or you have read the letter I sent home today.  Either way, things are falling in place in getting the classroom- and students- set up for their guest teacher next month.  I have to admit I got a bit emotional this afternoon when I spoke to the students about what's going on, and that wasn't my intent.  I wanted to have an honest discussion with the students, holding back what was necessary as I don't believe they need to know too much about what I'm having to go through. 

What they do know is Mrs. Posey will be their teacher for 6 weeks after Fall Break, and she's really looking forward to spending the time with them.  I'm looking forward to getting back in December for, as I put it to the students today, "healthy and ready for the fun stuff".  I'm sure they will test the boundaries at first, as all students do, but I'm confident they will continue to be wonderful friends for each other and amazing students for Mrs. Posey.

Starting next week, you'll notice the homework packet is fairly lighter than previous.  I've condensed to using the 3 of the reading series spelling pages, and 2 of the math series pages (one will be printed, and one will come from the series workbook).  The students will still have Monday - Friday to complete their packets, but the work has been slimmed down a bit.  I am having the packets done this way so as to not overload the guest teacher with so much printing each week (I print the packets through the week for the coming week.  Due to the shortened work schedules of guest teachers, that would be too much of me to ask).  I also don't believe she shouldn't have to worry about putting them together each week, hence the math series pages coming directly from the workbook themselves.  Along with the packets, the students will also be going home with a plastic baggie of multiplication facts 1 - 10.  We won't be covering this unit until the second semester, but now's a great time to get the students started on learning and practicing.

Students will be taking their STAR Reading and Math tests this coming week, as well as their Quarter 1 Math benchmark test.  Once I have all the students tested on the STAR program, I will be sending home a copy of their Reading and Math test results.  Their reading level will be indicated on the report, which will also be stapled in their AR folders.  Students will be going home with their report cards on October 24th.  I will, of course, be out at this time, but they will be prepared and ready to be sent home on this date.

It's unbelieveable to me we are saying goodbye to the first Quarter, and hello to Fall Break.  I've seen SO much progress- both with behavior and with academics- from all of the students, so I'm so excited to see the differences in December.

Helena       October 10th
Todd          October 11th
Micaela     October 21st

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

The Toucan Squawk, Sept. 12 - 16

Hello families!  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. 

The Leaf in Disguise project is due this Friday.  Please return all leaves so students will be able to write about their leaf, and display them in the classroom.  Several students have already turned in their leaf, and they look awesome!  Those students who have turned them in have started on their writing, and they will soon be ready to be displayed in the room.  This type of project will be sent home through the school year based on what may be going on at that time- such as for a special holiday or concept unit.

The students are continuing their math unit in double digit addition and subtraction.  Each week, they are completing a math packet from the second grade math workbooks.  These packets are enforcing what is being taught, and strengthening skills already in place, as well as those which need extra assistance.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School
Second Grade

The Toucan Squawk, Sept. 6th - 9th

Hello families!  I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend.  We will be finishing our unit on compound words this week.  The students created a book, and completed word searches and a cut and glue page on this concept last week.  We will also be moving into 2-digit subtraction, as well as place value through 100.  We will, however, continue to work on 2-digit addition and will touch upon place value through 20 throughout the semester.

Other classes had a lice outbreak last week, however our class is thus far not affected.  If you notice lice in your child's hair, please keep them home and contact the school stating the issue.  From there, the school nurse can check the rest of the class and the classroom can be thoroughly cleaned.

I sent home a discussion starter form with your student today.  Please fill it out and return it by Thursday.  I will be going over them prior to our conference- this will be a great starting point for us at our conference.  If you are unable to make our conference at the scheduled time, please contact me as soon as possible.  We can then set up another conference time (in person, on the phone, or over email).

Mrs. Mazanek, the school counselor, came in to discuss "bucket filling and bucket dipping" to the students on Friday.  Ask your student what this is all about- they'll be sure to explain it.  It was a fantastic discussion, and I'm sure the students will find it useful.

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School