
The Toucan Squawk, Sept. 6th - 9th

Hello families!  I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend.  We will be finishing our unit on compound words this week.  The students created a book, and completed word searches and a cut and glue page on this concept last week.  We will also be moving into 2-digit subtraction, as well as place value through 100.  We will, however, continue to work on 2-digit addition and will touch upon place value through 20 throughout the semester.

Other classes had a lice outbreak last week, however our class is thus far not affected.  If you notice lice in your child's hair, please keep them home and contact the school stating the issue.  From there, the school nurse can check the rest of the class and the classroom can be thoroughly cleaned.

I sent home a discussion starter form with your student today.  Please fill it out and return it by Thursday.  I will be going over them prior to our conference- this will be a great starting point for us at our conference.  If you are unable to make our conference at the scheduled time, please contact me as soon as possible.  We can then set up another conference time (in person, on the phone, or over email).

Mrs. Mazanek, the school counselor, came in to discuss "bucket filling and bucket dipping" to the students on Friday.  Ask your student what this is all about- they'll be sure to explain it.  It was a fantastic discussion, and I'm sure the students will find it useful.

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School


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