
The Toucan Squawk, Mar. 25 - Mar. 29

Hello families!  We have been working on prefixes and suffixes in writing.  We had to take an extra week because last week proved to be a little tough for the majority of the class.  While we're working through that, the class has started and are almost finished working on their writing craft- turning into a bunny!  The crafts are coming out pretty cute, and will be posted on the wall soon.  I provided the story starter, and then the creative writing process was unleashed from there.  Really cute and creative stories have been invented!

In math, we have been working on missing addends (the numbers used to add to get the sum).  We'll be finishing that on Friday- but I will be doing some intervention groups next week.  The use of Accelerated Math has come into great use this week- the students have gone back to the beginning of the year standards to help them review for standarized testing.  Crazily enough, the test is coming up super soon!  I'll post some helpful at-home tips soon.

Tomorrow is picture day!  The students will be taking pictures in the morning at 9:30.

Students took home a couple pieces of mail on Monday.  The first is a yellow page.  It's a survey for parents and to invite you to an upcoming meeting regading the charter school flip for the coming school year.  The second is a blue page.  This is your child's spring registration form.  If you have not done so, please fill this out and return it as soon as possible.  Even if you are not sure whether your child is returning to PdS next year, please fill it out and return it anyways.  That way, there will immediately be a "slot" for your child whether they are returning it or not.  This form is due April 5, but the earlier is always best.     

Mar. 28         Picture day!
Mar. 28         6th Grade Campus town hall meeting, BHS cafeteria, 6:00 PM

Apr. 3           1/2 day early release at 11:25, teacher in-service
Apr. 29         Spring Holiday, no school

Apr. 18          Luis
Apr. 23          Hanna

Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Wax Museum success!!

A HUGE thank you to all the parents!!  Your support of your students' education definitely showed through their costumes and obvious practice and rehearsal.  All of the kids did amazing yesterday during their presentations.  Not only did they have to present to you and me, but to two 6th grade classes and one 4th grade class!  What a way to develop the confidence to speak in front of others!  They'll be taking home their final grade after Spring Break, but of course you will be able to view through ParentVue once I post and finalize the grades.

We have continued our work with telling time to the nearest hour, half hour, and quarter hour.  We have also continued our "how to" writing, which will be finished after Spring Break.  This week is also "Read Across America", celebrating the writing genius of Dr. Seuss (hence the crazy dress-ups!).  Tomorrow is crazy sock day, and Friday is the school book character parade.  Students can dress up as their favorite book characters like Junie B. Jones, Jigsaw Jones, Horrible Harry- just to name a few.  Students are not required to dress up, it's just a suggestion.  Either way, everyone can participate in the parade.  I would ask that students who are dressing up, are actually using a book character- this is not a Halloween costume parade.  We also decorated our door for the guest author, Jennifer J. Stewart, to judge.  I'd post a picture, but it has the kiddos' faces so I really don't think I should.  But, everyone made fishy faces and I glued the pictures to a fish for each student.  Our theme was the Dr. Seuss book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish".  But, we were "One second grader, two second graders...21 second graders!"  I asked some students to make the signs and they came out really cute.

If your student is having a school lunch on Friday, please return the blue lunch ticket everyone took home yesterday.  If they are not having a school lunch, there isn't any need to send it back.  This is the usual lunch ticket they get every half-day week and it really helps the cafeteria staff know exactly how many lunches they need to make.

Mar. 7                  All-city band concert, BHS, 7 PM
Mar. 8                 1/2 day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service
Mar. 11 - 15        Spring Break, no school
Mar. 27               1/2 day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service


Mar. 1 Andy

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

The Toucan Squawk, Feb. 25 - Mar. 1

Hello families! It's unbelievable it's already March- how time flies! The students will be presenting their wax museum on Tuesday, March 5th. I honestly don't know who's more nervous- them or me! Please have them come to school dressed in their costumes. The museum will be "opened" 8:30 - 9:30. Afterwards, they can change into their regular clothing. They will also need to bring in a prop which relates to their historical figure- but no weapon-related items of any kind. As a reminder, this presentation and writing piece are a big part of their Social Studies grade for Quarter 3.  Under "documents", I attached the grading rubric the other second grade teachers and I are using. 

This week is also Dr. Seuss Read Across America week! The students took home a flier describing the week's events and dress-up themes, but Monday is "mixed-up day". The students are welcome to dress in their mixed-up attire if they wish.

I'll be sending home a homework packet for Spring Break, but by no means do the students need to complete it. I suggest it though, simply for practice and review. Any students who complete it and turn it in the week after Spring Break will earn 2 extra nickels for their bank. The packet will have a reading log, math pages, and a writing prompt.


Mar. 5 Wax Museum, 8:30 - 9:30, Room 3
Mar. 7 All-city band concert, BHS, 7 PM
Mar. 8 1/2 day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service
Mar. 11 - 15 Spring Break
Mar. 27 1/2 day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service


Mar. 1 Andy

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade