
The Toucan Squawk, Feb. 25 - Mar. 1

Hello families! It's unbelievable it's already March- how time flies! The students will be presenting their wax museum on Tuesday, March 5th. I honestly don't know who's more nervous- them or me! Please have them come to school dressed in their costumes. The museum will be "opened" 8:30 - 9:30. Afterwards, they can change into their regular clothing. They will also need to bring in a prop which relates to their historical figure- but no weapon-related items of any kind. As a reminder, this presentation and writing piece are a big part of their Social Studies grade for Quarter 3.  Under "documents", I attached the grading rubric the other second grade teachers and I are using. 

This week is also Dr. Seuss Read Across America week! The students took home a flier describing the week's events and dress-up themes, but Monday is "mixed-up day". The students are welcome to dress in their mixed-up attire if they wish.

I'll be sending home a homework packet for Spring Break, but by no means do the students need to complete it. I suggest it though, simply for practice and review. Any students who complete it and turn it in the week after Spring Break will earn 2 extra nickels for their bank. The packet will have a reading log, math pages, and a writing prompt.


Mar. 5 Wax Museum, 8:30 - 9:30, Room 3
Mar. 7 All-city band concert, BHS, 7 PM
Mar. 8 1/2 day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service
Mar. 11 - 15 Spring Break
Mar. 27 1/2 day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service


Mar. 1 Andy

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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