Friday afternoon is our Portfolios and Popcorn event! The students have been working SO hard on their writing this year and their portfolios are ready to be shared and taken home. If you have not responded to the flyer sent home last week, please do so soon. We're attempting to get a final count for the popcorn for each classroom. Our event will be held in our room, 12:30 to 1:30. We hope to see you there!
Currently, there has been some discussion if we'll have Move Up day this year. I'm really hoping we do, simply because I know how fantastic it is for the students to meet their new teachers before the new school year even starts. As of right now, Move Up day is scheduled for Monday the 20th. This day is admittedly somewhat bittersweet for me, as I'm sure it is for the other teachers. While the kiddos will be walking themselves over to their 3rd grade classes, I'll be meeting with my new second graders. Paraprofessional aides will be around campus to direct the students to the correct rooms, which will be in the next building over. Even with the close proximity, it can be a little confusing to get around. I, along with the other teachers, do not know who has been put into who's class for next year. While we had a hand in distributing the students while we worked on the lists on May 3rd, things may have changed and therefore we don't find out until the morning of Move Up day.
Field day is Wednesday the 22nd. The students will be participating in a variety of water-related activities. Because of this, I'm asking the following so that everyone gets to enjoy their morning:
- Students should wear fast-drying clothes they won't mind getting wet. They are welcome to bring a change of clothes for afterwards. Please, NO swimsuits or other swimming-related items- they won't be necessary.
- We'll be outside for over an hour, so sunscreen is a definite must.
We have been celebrating "unbirthdays" this week. This is a great chance for everyone to have their birthday celebrated, birthday song and all, even though we aren't in school during that time. If you received an unbirthday notice last week, you are welcome to bring in a snack to share for the class. However, this isn't necessary. I still have a card and a pencil to give, and the kiddos of course will sing happy birthday.
While this week and next progresses, the kiddos and I will be doing some cleaning and organizing in the room. I'm also still sending home papers, etc, so please continue to send your student to school with their backpacks. Next week we'll also be celebrating the end of the year with an ice cream party- I've sent home a request for items. Please send in your item if you are able to by Friday- our celebration is next Tuesday.
May 16 Lowe's field trip, 8:30 - 11:30
May 20 Move Up day, 8:15 - 8:45
May 21 End of the Year ice cream celebration, playground, ?:??
May 22 Field day, grades 2 and 4, 8:30 - 10:00
May 23 Student's last day, early release at 11:30- NO LUNCH SERVED
May 14 Greg
June 3 Paul
June 10 Carter
July 2 Mark
July 7 Laska
July 26 Alicia
July 29 Abygail
Aug. 3 Hailee
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
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