
The Toucan Squawk, August 8 - 12, 2011

Hello families!  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  My apologies I didn't mention this earlier, but I will not be assigning homework this week.  The students will be going home with their homework packets starting Monday the 15th.  Included in this packet will be math, spelling words for the week, some spelling practice activities, and a reading log.  I'll be assigning at least 15 minutes of reading each night, and a page of work to complete.  My estimation is homework should take your student, at the most, 25 minutes each afternoon to complete.  If you find your student is taking longer to complete their work, please don't hesitate to contact me.  We can therefore decide on a change in assignments.  Any and all homework assigned will be based on material already introduced in class, so none of it will be new.  I definitely believe homework is for practice, not introduction.  The reasoning behind a packet is students can complete it at their ease.  For example, some of my students from last year found it better for their schedules to complete it all in one afternoon but still read each evening.  Other students, however, found it better to complete the reading each night, but the pages a couple of nights each week- instead of the assigned one page each night.  Whatever you find is best for you and your student, please design your homework time as necessary.

Spelling tests are given Friday afternoons.  Each homework packet will have the words, as well as practice activities.  For the first two quarters, the tests will include 10 words.  Starting in the 3rd quarter, I may either continue to assign the 10 words- or add 4 or 5 more words.

Students will be able to earn a nickel for their behavior bank with each completed homework packet.  By complete, I mean the reading log filled out for Monday - Thursday, and each page completed.  If a student does not turn in their homework, they will need to owe a nickel and therefore lose their FunTime Friday in the afternoon.

I hope this clears up any confusion over the class receiving homework.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Class birthdays:
August 29-          Frederick

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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