Tomorrow and Friday, we'll be completing some more Dr. Seuss-related crafts, activities, and file folder centers. The students will also have the chance to read a loud to the rest of the class. It should be a fun couple of days!
Students have finished their unit on money, and have moved on to rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. We'll be working on graphs and tally charts next.
Spring Break will be here before we know it. My plan for while the students are on break is to complete the Morning Work packet they would have received for that week. This is, as usual, optional. However, for the students who do complete it and return it no later than Tuesday, March 27 will receive two extra nickels for their best effort and commitment.
Please continue to send in payments to order a yearbook. We currently only have 156 orders- 144 still available. Monday the 5th is the last day to order and pay.
Prior to Spring Break, I'll be sending students to the Lost and Found box to look through to find any jackets, sweaters, backpacks, lunch boxes, or other items which may belong to them. This can also be done on their own prior to school starting- the box is loacted in the entrance to the cafeteria. Any items not claimed by spring break will be donated to a local charity.
I'll be sending home info for Spring pictures! They're coming up soon.
March 16 1/2 day, Teacher in-service
March 19 - 23 Spring Break
Mar. 25 Ana
Mar. 29 Donté
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
Pueblo del Sol Elementary School