
The Toucan Squawk, Feb. 13 - Feb. 16

Hello families!  Yesterday's card exchange and snack sharing was fantastic!  The students completed Valentine-related activities, and then exchanged their cards and had snacks in the afternoon.  Thank you to those of you who donated items to help us celebrate.
The SVPS superintendent is asking parents to complete a survey regarding the district and PDS.  The link and login information is below.  Please take the time to complete this survey, as it will give us more insight how to better help PDS families and the studnets of Sierra Vista Public Schools.  The survey will be available until Friday, February 24th.
Parent Survey-  http://kwiksurveys.com?u=pdsparent
Password:  parent
Yearbook Orders-  The last day to order yearbooks is March 5th.
Feb. 17 and 20                            President's Day Holiday, no school
Mar. 25 Ana
Mar. 29 Donté

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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