
The Toucan Squawk, Oct. 22 - 26

Hello families!  I hope everyone has had a great week so far.  The kids are still SO excited about the Scholastic Book Fair this week.  It ends on Friday.  I've gotten a few books for the kids to enjoy, and some of them are AR testables so that's always a good thing.  BIG thank you to the John family for purchasing the book "Math Attack" for our classroom.  I read it aloud to the class this afternoon and they really liked it.  Thanks again for thinking of us!
We've been working on mental math this week.  It's been super helpful for the kiddos who were struggling with double digit addition and subtraction at the beginning of the year.  The students have also been working EXTRA hard on their candy corn book reports (beginning, middle, and end of a story of their choice) and their spider research reports (partner work research on student choice:  Black Widow, Tarantula, or Wolf Spider).  The kids are almost finished, so I'll be posting pictures of their great reports this week or next.  This report, since it was based on actual research, will be going home after Halloween with a scored rubric.  Even though the reports were researched with a partner, the students will be receiving their own grade for their final report.

Our Halloween parade is next Wednesday!  Students in grades K - 2 are invited to wear their costumes, however this is only a suggestion.  A couple reminders for the kiddos and their costumes:
  • Masks, weapons, and other items which need to be carried (pitchfork, broom, etc) are not allowed.  These items will be taken, and left in the office for parents to pick up.
  • Inappropriate costumes are not allowed.  Students who arrive wearing something that is too short or otherwise too revealing will be asked to change.

Oct. 31 Half-day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service Halloween Parade, 8:15 AM, around the school. Activities in the classroom afterwards

Nov. 12 Veteran's Day, no school
Nov. 16 Progress reports go home
Nov. 21 - 23 Thanksgiving holiday, no school
Nov. 28 Half-day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service

Oct. 24      Isaiah

Nov. 21     Mason
Nov. 23     Kaylee

Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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