
Toucan Squawk, Oct. 15 - 19

Your child is coming home with their grade report in an envelope.  Please look it over this weekend.  Feel free to contact me to set up a conference if necessary.  They also have their AR report for Oct. 1 - Oct. 19.  We will be starting a new AR goal system next week.  I'll be sending home information about it then.  It's going to be much easier for me, and for you, to figure out how many AR tests your child will need to be taking every week to reach their weekly AR goal.  I've been using percentages and points, and it hasn't been very kid-friendly.

If your child is or was enrolled in Title I, they went home yesterday with their Title I progress report.  It is a blue paper with a white paper attached to the back.  Look that over as well and feel free to contact Mrs. Wilkinson, the Title I teacher.

Your child also went home with a tshirt order form.  The form is due no later than October 24th, next Friday.  Please make your check out to Dust Devil PTO.

The field trip to Apple Annie's went absolutely fantastic!!  Thank you to everyone who volunteered to be chaperones- it was a GREAT help to have extra adults present to assist.  The kids had a really great time choosing their pumpkins.  We decorated them back at school with stickers, and I think they came out pretty awesome.  I took pictures of the kids with their pumpkins at the farm, and with the stickers back at school.

Wednesday the 31st is a half-day for students, but that morning we will have our Halloween parade grades K - 2!  We will also do some fun activities in the classroom afterwards.  It's such a fun time for the kiddos.  Please look out for more information to go home this coming week!

Oct. 31             Half-day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service
                         Halloween Parade, 8:15 AM, around the school.  Activities in the classroom after

Nov. 12            Veteran's Day, no school
Nov. 16             Progress reports go home
Nov. 21 - 23     Thanksgiving holiday, no school
Nov. 28             Half-day early release at 11:30, teacher in-service

Oct. 24           Isaiah

Nov. 21          Mason
Nov. 23          Kaylee

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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