
Summer School pamphlets

The students took home pamphlets for summer school registration.  It will be held at Carmichael Elementary School this year.  All information you'll need is in the pamphlet, but feel free to contact the summer school director Bonnie Fisher at bonnie.fisher@svps.k12.az.us.  For the Title I students, there are scholarships available but your filled out pamphlet with the attached scholarship sheet needs to be returned as soon as possible- there are few scholarships available and they get claimed pretty quick.  Also, I highlighted my suggestions for your child's attendance to summer school.  By no means, though, are you obligated to register your child.

The Toucan Squawk, April 22 - 26

Hello families!  Testing is done...WAHOO!  I'm sure the kids are just as excited as I am that it's all finally done for this year.  Even with the testing done, we still have plenty of school left.  As we've done through the year, we'll continue to follow the Beyond Textbooks standards calendar to ensure everyone learns all they need to for second grade.

The students are still working on their story using story elements- several have finished their final despite putting it aside last week for testing.  They're coming along quite nicely!  Students who have finished have been invited to write a quiz for their story, like an AR quiz.  Well, not a real one, but one that the students could use to "test" a family member or classmate when they have finished reading their story.  For math, this week and next we'll be working on a Problem-Based Learning project.  The students will be reviewing polygons by "creating" a dinner party.  The students will be responsible to figure out their cost for a table, a set of plates, and place mats.  The final product will be a construction paper page of "their dinner table".  The students seemed to be excited about doing something new and different than their regular math lesson.           
I sent home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip to the Fort Huachuca Arts and Crafts center on the 30th.  Mrs. Holston's and Mrs. Blackburn's classes will be going tomorrow, and Mrs. Sullins' class will be going the morning of the 30th.  We'll be going the afternoon of the 30th, so the kiddos will need to have their lunch earlier that day.  We'll leave at approximately 12:00, and return by dismissal time at 2:15.  I would suggest students bring or wear a shirt you wouldn't mind them getting some paint on- or at the very least an apron they can wear while they are painting.  I've never been to the center, so I'm super excited for the class to go.  Their individual attendance is dependent upon positive behavior choices.
You most likely noticed homework was not sent home today- with the stress of the testing it completely escaped my mind.  I think I was just as nervous about the testing as they were!  I'll send their spelling homework tomorrow for the rest of the week with the usual reading log attached.
Your student will be taking home a summer school registration form this week.  If your student is currently in Title I or you are concerned about their focus and remembering of reading and math, I would suggest registering your child in at least one session.  All the necessary information is right in the pamphlet.  Please look it over and return it with any necessary payment as soon as possible- as those seats fill up super fast! It's an extremely beneficial time for the students involved, and it will definitely help prepare them for the rigor of 3rd grade. 
Apr. 29                    Spring Holiday, no school

BirthdaysApr. 18                    Luis
Apr. 23                    Hanna
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

The Toucan Squawk, Apr. 8 - Apr. 12

Hello families!  The students are taking their Stanford 10 test Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday!  The students have prepared for this test the whole school year, and I know they are ready for it.  To prepare for next week, please remember the following:
  1. Schedule all doctor's appointments after testing has been completed. Once a test has been started, the students cannot go back to that test they missed. This is a state mandate, not by the school or the district.
  2. If you think your student is sick, keep them home. This is obviously not something we teachers like to mention, but again- if a student starts on a test, and then ends up leaving during the day- they cannot continue that test.
  3. Make sure your student gets plenty of sleep the night before each testing day. A tired mind cannot function while trying to pay attention to something as important as this test.
  4. The same goes for a full tummy. Please make sure your student has a healthy and full breakfast the morning of the test. I'll have the chance to give the students a snack prior to starting, but the morning should get off to a good start by having a great breakfast.
Next week, I am not assigning the full homework packet- as I figure the students will be "brain tired" enough as it is.  I'll be sending home a reading log on Monday, to be completed and returned on Friday.  Please have your child read at least the usual 20 minutes each night and fill in that day's log with sentences and a picture of the book/section they read that night.             

The picture preview packet will be sent home in the coming weeks. As a reminder, please review the pictures, as well as the available packages, and return both the preview packet and your payment as soon as possible back with your student. If you do not wish to purchase the pictures, please return the entire preview packet back with your student. According to the photography company policy, any parts of the preview packet not returned will be considered as the packet is being purchased, and you may be charged.

It's unbelievable, but Move Up Day will be here before we know it! As a reminder, Move Up Day is a chance for the students to meet their teacher for the 2013 - 2014 school year. It's an exciting time for the students, and for the teachers! The event usually only lasts about 15 minutes, enough time for the teachers to introduce the grade and classroom to the students. Last year, I read a second grade picture book to the students, and then they drew and colored pictures of something they learned in first grade. The students usually go home with an introduction to the classroom polices, as well as an activity they can complete over the summer vacation. It's definitely something to look forward to! The teachers will be meeting in the coming weeks to go over the registered students for each grade, and we'll divide the students amongst their new teachers based on several factors. The students won't know who they will be going to until that morning- the teachers don't even know until that morning either! News of that day will be coming soon. It's such an exciting morning, and I'm definitely looking forward to sending my 2nd graders to their 3rd grade classes!

The weather as of late has been pretty interesting to say the least.  As a reminder, please send your child with a jacket or sweater to school.  I know, it's April in Arizona.  But, as I always tell the kids it's better to have it and not need it, rather than need it and not have it.  Another reminder, flip flops are not allowed at PdS.  We've discovered over the years they are more hazardous than fun for the kids, as they want to run at recess.  Flip flops really don't allow them to do this.

We've been continuing to work on reviewing for next week, as well as practicing to take Stanford 10-like tests.  After each section I have had the students go through and correct their work.  It's been helpful for them to see the mistakes they have made.  Something simple like adding instead of subtracting can bring down their final score for each section.  The class has also been working on a story using the story elements they have learned this year- characters, setting, problem and solution.  The final draft is going to be a 6-page book they will draw and color pictures for each page and the cover.  The finals are definietly going to be very cute and well-written!

Apr. 15 - 17             Stanford 10 testing
Apr. 19                    Progress reports sent home
Apr. 29                    Spring Holiday, no school

Apr. 18                    Luis
Apr. 23                    Hanna

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


The Toucan Squawk, April 1 - 5

Hello families!  I hope everyone has enjoyed their week so far.

The students have finished their bunny craft stories- waking up with bunny ears!  The stories came out really cute.  This week, they have started on a writing project which will take them about 2 - 3 weeks to write.  They will be using the story elements of characters, setting, problem and solution to create a story which ends with "happily ever after".  The students will work their way through this writing day by day, because there will be 6 pages students will need to write.  When students finish working on the Stanford 10 test each day, April 15 - 17, they'll use the rest of the classroom time to work on this writing as well as other work I'll have ready for them. 

And speaking of Standford 10 testing, the second grade team has decided to spread the tests over three days- instead of the two days we used last year.  This will give the students each morning to take their tests- reading, language arts, and math seperated.  This will help everyone destress a little.  My goal is to keep the kiddos busy- but not "busy work busy".  They'll be working hard enough as it is with remembering E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G they learned this school year.  It's draining and stressful for me- so I can only imagine how stressful it can be for them! 

In the coming weeks, your student will be taking home permission slips for two different field trips- one to the Arts and Crafts Center at Fort Huachuca, and another one to Lowe's.  I'm so excited for these trips because I haven't done either one- so we'll all be learning together!  Both trips will be asking for chaperones, so I'll be sure to send both home as soon as I get my copies.

If you haven't done so, please return the Spring registration form sent home last week.  I sent home a few extra copies yesterday.  If there is the possibility that your child is not returning next year, but you're still not sure, please fill in the form and return it anyways.  That way, there is still that "slot" available for your child.  There will be incoming 2nd graders during the summer, and slots will fill up really quickly.  Please send your form in as soon as possible.  They are officially due April 5th, but we can continue to accept them.

Apr. 15 - 17         Stanford 10 testing
Apr. 19                Progress reports sent home 
Apr. 29                Spring Holiday, no school

Apr. 18                Luis
Apr. 23                Hanna

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade