
The Toucan Squawk, April 22 - 26

Hello families!  Testing is done...WAHOO!  I'm sure the kids are just as excited as I am that it's all finally done for this year.  Even with the testing done, we still have plenty of school left.  As we've done through the year, we'll continue to follow the Beyond Textbooks standards calendar to ensure everyone learns all they need to for second grade.

The students are still working on their story using story elements- several have finished their final despite putting it aside last week for testing.  They're coming along quite nicely!  Students who have finished have been invited to write a quiz for their story, like an AR quiz.  Well, not a real one, but one that the students could use to "test" a family member or classmate when they have finished reading their story.  For math, this week and next we'll be working on a Problem-Based Learning project.  The students will be reviewing polygons by "creating" a dinner party.  The students will be responsible to figure out their cost for a table, a set of plates, and place mats.  The final product will be a construction paper page of "their dinner table".  The students seemed to be excited about doing something new and different than their regular math lesson.           
I sent home a permission slip for our upcoming field trip to the Fort Huachuca Arts and Crafts center on the 30th.  Mrs. Holston's and Mrs. Blackburn's classes will be going tomorrow, and Mrs. Sullins' class will be going the morning of the 30th.  We'll be going the afternoon of the 30th, so the kiddos will need to have their lunch earlier that day.  We'll leave at approximately 12:00, and return by dismissal time at 2:15.  I would suggest students bring or wear a shirt you wouldn't mind them getting some paint on- or at the very least an apron they can wear while they are painting.  I've never been to the center, so I'm super excited for the class to go.  Their individual attendance is dependent upon positive behavior choices.
You most likely noticed homework was not sent home today- with the stress of the testing it completely escaped my mind.  I think I was just as nervous about the testing as they were!  I'll send their spelling homework tomorrow for the rest of the week with the usual reading log attached.
Your student will be taking home a summer school registration form this week.  If your student is currently in Title I or you are concerned about their focus and remembering of reading and math, I would suggest registering your child in at least one session.  All the necessary information is right in the pamphlet.  Please look it over and return it with any necessary payment as soon as possible- as those seats fill up super fast! It's an extremely beneficial time for the students involved, and it will definitely help prepare them for the rigor of 3rd grade. 
Apr. 29                    Spring Holiday, no school

BirthdaysApr. 18                    Luis
Apr. 23                    Hanna
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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