The students have finished their bunny craft stories- waking up with bunny ears! The stories came out really cute. This week, they have started on a writing project which will take them about 2 - 3 weeks to write. They will be using the story elements of characters, setting, problem and solution to create a story which ends with "happily ever after". The students will work their way through this writing day by day, because there will be 6 pages students will need to write. When students finish working on the Stanford 10 test each day, April 15 - 17, they'll use the rest of the classroom time to work on this writing as well as other work I'll have ready for them.
And speaking of Standford 10 testing, the second grade team has decided to spread the tests over three days- instead of the two days we used last year. This will give the students each morning to take their tests- reading, language arts, and math seperated. This will help everyone destress a little. My goal is to keep the kiddos busy- but not "busy work busy". They'll be working hard enough as it is with remembering E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G they learned this school year. It's draining and stressful for me- so I can only imagine how stressful it can be for them!
In the coming weeks, your student will be taking home permission slips for two different field trips- one to the Arts and Crafts Center at Fort Huachuca, and another one to Lowe's. I'm so excited for these trips because I haven't done either one- so we'll all be learning together! Both trips will be asking for chaperones, so I'll be sure to send both home as soon as I get my copies.
If you haven't done so, please return the Spring registration form sent home last week. I sent home a few extra copies yesterday. If there is the possibility that your child is not returning next year, but you're still not sure, please fill in the form and return it anyways. That way, there is still that "slot" available for your child. There will be incoming 2nd graders during the summer, and slots will fill up really quickly. Please send your form in as soon as possible. They are officially due April 5th, but we can continue to accept them.
Apr. 15 - 17 Stanford 10 testing
Apr. 19 Progress reports sent home
Apr. 29 Spring Holiday, no school
Apr. 18 Luis
Apr. 23 Hanna
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
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