
The Toucan Squawk, Nov. 11 - Nov. 15

Hello families...I hope you have had a great week! 

We have started and finished the turkey book writing.  This writing was pushed back from the week before last, as we had taken a bit too long on the spider research report.  With the Veteran's Day letters deadline to get those out and delivered, I felt it necessary to put a pause on the turkey book.  Now we've finished with the writing, so all that's left is the craft.  The students will be making a turkey- it's very cute!  They'll be going up on the wall soon enough.  We also started and are about halfway through a small moment writing for everyone's writing portfolio.  This will be the writing for the beginning of the 2nd quarter.  We have been working on abbreviations in writing lessons.  We'll finish this on Friday, and then begin sentence structure next week.

In math, the students have been working on polygons.  They all did pretty great on the unit.  We'll finish the week with centers, and then start on comparing expressions (greater than, less than, equal to) next week.  The week after, we'll start on word problems, a unit which will be continued after Thanksgiving break.

I am still missing some brown envelopes sent home last week.  Please take a look at the items inside and return them as soon as possible.  I'd like to have them set up on the students' desks on the 26th, so everyone can take them home for Thanksgiving.  Thank you very much in advance!

I'm also going to be sending home a letter soon enough asking for items for our Holiday Party.  It's unbelievable next month is December and coming our way quite fast!  We'll be doing holiday rotations that last week before we leave for Holiday Break- and we'll need a few items to help celebrate.  They'll be making a few crafts, having hot coco, and watching a movie.  It'll definitely be a fun yet fast paced week- as usual!

Nov. 20                     Teacher in-service, early release at 11:25.
Nov. 22                     Progress reports go home.
Nov. 27 - 29             Thanksgiving break, no school

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second grade


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