
The elves strike again!

Apparently Rex and his buddies decided to go on field trips amongst the other second grade classes today!  Rex ended up in Mrs. Sullins' class.
Rex shared a story with the reading buddies.

He also left quite a mess in the classroom library...

 and at the students' tables.  These are just two of the tables, but the results are the same for all four.  Tsk tsk tsk. 
But of course we weren't left out of their field trip!  Mrs. Sullins' classroom elf Snowball graced our classroom with his presence by reading a story with Pink Punctuation...and with a messed up picture.  These elves!
Oh and the chairs...the chairs!  They were completely wrecked this morning!
And let's not forget the crates.  Lots of Christmas books left about. 

Snowball must have had some trouble getting down the holiday books, because the library was wrecked as well.  Yikes!
Here's to a wonderful coming weekend...without these elves!
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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