For math, we have continued the word problem unit. Tomorrow, the students will be making "keys to word problems" clue word keys...these will prove helpful at home as the students work on word problems in their math homework through the rest of the school year.
With the holiday season coming up we have been elfed! Actually, all of second grade has. On Tuesday, the kiddos met our classroom elf. He introduced himself by writing rather messily on the board.
He also showed off a cute basket. For some reason this picture can't be edited to rotate...I have a feeling he may be up to this... :-)
On Wednesday, he showed his appreciation for our vote on his new name. You guessed it, Rex.
He obviously needed more practice, and to show his love of glitter, so he made a mess on the Blue Center table. I don't know why he has a sticker of a toucan on his shirt...I'm thinking it's to show his love of toucans, but we'll see.
He wrote more nametags and left them all over the room. And snowflakes. Oh, and gift bows...apparently Rex loves to decorate.
It's going to be a long week with our new friend- so hopefully he and his little friends won't decide to stay longer than this week! The students are working their way through a journal Rex brought.
Dec. 20 Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30
Dec. 23 - Jan. 3 Winter break
Jan. 6 School resumes
Dec. 28 Natascha
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
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