
The Toucan Squawk, Dec. 12 - Dec. 16

Hello families, I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  The students are completing holiday theme pages, as well as continuing to review the lessons from the quarter.  They are finishing up the draft of their penguin story to go along with the family penguin project.  they will also be making a holiday card for a fellow classmate, but it's a secret as to whom they are making the card for- a Secret Santa, downscaled.  I will be bringing a snack for the students to put with their card, which will be delievered the end of this week and next week. 

Please do not send colored drinks with the students.  We already had a mishap with chocolate milk in a water bottle, and now the carpet is stained.  Because the water bottles get tipped during the day, please only send water with them to drink during classtime.  Please also do not send candy with the students.  There has been an issue with some students getting candy, while others have not.  If you would like to send a snack, please send enough for the entire class to be invovled.  We currently have 25 students.

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Dec. 21st                                       1/2 day, early release at 11:45.
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 3rd                  Holiday break


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