
The Toucan Squawk, Dec. 5 - 9

Hello families!  It's great to finally be back after a month and a half away.  I'm excited to start working on the planned holiday projects.  I've got a few planned, ones I think the kids are really going to enjoy.  Along with these activities, we also have the 2nd quarter testing to complete- so we have already been pretty busy.  We're currently reviewing the topics introduced since Fall Break.  The students also have the STAR Reading and Math tests to complete, as well as the paper math test.  I'm looking forward to see the progress the students have made thus far.
The penguin home project is due by this Friday.  The ones which have been turned in look fantastic, so I'm definietly looking forward to the coming projects.  The students have started drafting their story regarding their penguin- the drafts look great!


Dec. 8th                                 Elementary Band Concert, Huachuca Mountain, 6:00
Dec. 21st                                1/2 day, early release at 11:45.
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 4th           Holiday break

Have a great week!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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