
The Toucan Squawk, Dec. 19 - Dec. 21

Hello families!  I hope you enjoyed your weekend.  The students were able to watch most of "The Polar Express" this afternoon while enjoying their cookies and hot coco.  We have our holiday program tomorrow morning, and will try to watch the rest of it afterwards.  I'm hoping we'll be able to watch all of it, but if all else fails we can always watch the remainder after we return from holiday break in January.  With the sudden arrival of the classroom computers Monday afternoon- JUST as we were about to start the movie- we had to wait to start it until today.
The students will continue to take home their holiday projects tomorrow- all remaining will be sent home in their Homework Folders.  I'm also sending the Morning Work packets they would have received last week and this week.  This will be their homework for the time off, and will be due on January 6th, the Friday of the first week of the month.  This homework is a suggestion to be completed.  If complete in it's entirety, the students will receive an extra nickel for their banks.

Thank you to everyone who sent in snacks for today!  They were a huge help in celebrating the holiday break and the watching of the movie.  If you didn't receive a form regarding donating items- your turn is coming up sooner than later for The 100th Day (January) or for Valentine's Day.  I've decided to organize items donated this way so everyone gets a chance, and there aren't multiple items of the same type sent in for the same day.  If you would still like to send in food or Prize Box items, please let me know in advance (especially the food items) so I can plan accordingly.  Thank you VERY much in advance!  I'm not sure of the 100th Day date, but I will let everyone know well in advance to plan for items to be sent in if necessary.

I look forward to the coming semester- it's sure to be a successful one for everyone!  If I don't see you, have a wonderful holiday break with your family. 

Dec. 21st                                 1/2 day, early release at 11:45.
Dec. 22nd - Jan. 3rd            Holiday break
Jan. ______                         The 100th Day! 

Jan. 23rd                                Marcus

Happy Holidays!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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