
Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a fun and safe time tonight!  No homework tonight and no spelling test tomorrow.

Thank you for all  you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Costume Parade

Tomorrow is our Halloween costume parade!  We will be starting around 8:15- once everyone has taken attendance and lunch count.  Grades K - 2 will parade around campus until about 8:40.  Here are just a few reminders regarding Halloween costumes:
  • No masks- but students may wear makeup.
  • Appropriate costumes.
  • No weapons or other items to carry.
  • Come to school wearing costumes- there will not be enough time to change into them when students arrive to school.
  • Bring a change of clothes- after the parade, students are invited to change out of their costumes afterwards.  I'll set aside some time for everyone to do that if they wish.
When we return to the classroom, around 8:40, we'll start our activities!  You are welcome to stay and help.  Students will be sorting "bone candy", estimating about and measuring our class pumpkin, coloring a picture frame, and making spider cupcakes.  After lunch and recess, the students will have their cupcakes and juice while watching a movie.  It should definitely be a fun day!

On Friday, the students will begin a writing project about a pet turkey.  We'll read a story first, and then begin writing the writing organizer.  The craft will be posted on the wall when they are completed.  Next week, we will be starting to learn the correct format to write letters.  This will lead into having the chance to write letters to soldiers and veterans for Veteran's Day.  The students will be thanking them for their brave service for our country, and I'm hoping we will be able to send them to retired and currently serving military at Fort Huachuca when they are all finished.

Nov. 11                Veteran's Day, no school
Nov. 20                Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30
Nov. 22                Progress reports go home
Nov. 27 - 29        Thanksgiving holiday, no school

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Fall Celebration

Hi!  If you haven't already, please send in the item listed on the bright pink sheet sent home last week.  These items will be used for the Fall Celebration on Thursday.  The kiddos will be using the candy for graphing, estimating, and making spider cupcakes.  Thank you so much in advance!

Have a great weekend and thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


The Toucan Squawk, Oct. 21 - Oct. 25

Hello families...I hope everyone has had a great week!  We have been so busy in class- with coming back from Fall Break, our field trip to Apple Annie's, and a special lesson this afternoon...I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday!  The field trip went quite smoothly- we were able to get back around 1:30, earlier than we had expected.  This afternoon, the kiddos decorated their pumpkins.  If you ever want to get those sticker sets yourself, they are at the Target Dollar Spot...I've been getting them for the past couple years and the kids always love using them.  Plus, much easier to use than painting or carving in the classroom!

Report cards are going home tomorrow.  I'm including a copy of your child's STAR reading test report.  I've crossed out the reading range the program puts out and wrote in my own.  I create my own because I've realized giving the kids too much of a range- like the program does- creates havoc.  The kids end up reading books that are WAY too hard and end up getting frustrated, or read books that are WAY too easy and end up not showing progress.  I give them a tighter range, so they are able to read a wide range of book levels- all without staying behind or going too far ahead.  I will also continue to monitor progress and change as necessary through this quarter.

Our special lesson this afternoon was about braille.  We have a student who is visually impaired- she was originally in Mrs. Sullins' classroom but was changed into our room in September.  She has adapted quite smoothly- as has the rest of the class.  The teachers from Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind (ASDB) wanted to introduce the class to a braille and how to help our friend.  With the sudden shift into our class, it didn't happen earlier...but I'm so glad we took the time out to be introduced to braille and learn how to continue to help our friend.

The students...
  learned the Braille alphabet,
wrote their names in Braille,

and had their name brailed on the Perkins Braille machine.
The students also learned how to help with sight guide- walking at a normal pace with our friend holding their upper arm or wrist.  Overall, it was a really nice way to end the day and I'm really happy the teachers were able to take the time out of their busy schedules.
The students have started taking Stanford 10 prep test practices on Mondays and Fridays.  Unlike the AIMs test taken by grades 3 - 12, the Stanford 10 test is partially a listening test.  I will read a portion of the reading test and a portion of the math test- the two sections are taken on two different days.  My hopes are that taking these practice tests will prove helpful once the students get to the tests in April.  These reading tests will also be included in their reading grade twice a week- the one they took on Monday will not count because it was only 3 questions.  I will be going over it with the class tomorrow morning to show the students how they did and what can happen when they are not paying attention to something being read to them.  I know that can be a tough situation for some, but listening skills are essential in daily life for all students.
NewsOct. 21 - Nov. 6           Canned food drive
Oct. 25                         Report cards go home
Oct. 30                         Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30.

BirthdaysOct. 9                           Illiyanna
Oct. 25                         Alex
Oct. 27                         Cristian
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


Apple Annie's!

Tomorrow is our field trip to Apple Annie's!  I honestly don't know who is more excited- them or me.  I always look forward to this field trip each year- the kids get to be outside for longer than recess, and they get to choose their own pumpkin.  Really, it can't get any better.  I discussed with the students this afternoon what I want them to bring in, but as a reminder...
  • Bring homework and backpack- the students will need to turn in their homework.
  • Long pants or shorts.
  • Closed toed shoes- boots or sneakers, whichever is more comfortable.
  • Sunscreen.
If your student takes any medication you feel is necessary for them to have tomorrow- please drop by in the morning to drop it off at the nurse's office.  I will be taking anything any student will need- EpiPen, asthma meds...

We will be leaving about 8:15.  Students need to be at the room by 7:30- I'll be collecting homework and returning reading logs for tomorrow.  This will also be plenty of time for everyone to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water.  We'll be returning about 1:45, which will be time for everyone to pack up and prepare to go home.  I'm asking the students to leave their pumpkin on their desks- we'll be decorating and taking pictures on Thursday!

Oct. 21 - Nov. 6           Canned food drive
Oct. 25                         Report cards go home
Oct. 30                         Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30.

Oct. 9                           Illiyanna
Oct. 25                         Alex
Oct. 27                         Cristian

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Canned food drive

PdS 8th Annual Holiday Canned Food Drive

Oct. 21st – Nov. 1st 
Please bring in canned food to donate to the Salvation Army Food Bank.


We will keep track of your total class number so that we can recognize the winning classes in each grade level.

The Toucan Squawk, Oct. 7 - Oct. 11

Hello families...I hope everyone has had a great week!  We have finished up our reviews of addition and subtraction with and without regrouping and have moved into mental math.  This has been a neat unit because the students have been able to use all they have learned from the past quarter.  We'll most likely do a review group after Fall Break.

You will notice a few different writing grades on ParentVue- the students did a few assessments based on the Daily Oral Language morning work pages the students do each morning.  The assessments are based on the use of capital letters, punctuation, and grammar sense.  At the end of each quarter, assessments will be given and included in the writing grades. 

Next quarter, the students will be starting a writing project about spiders!  This is an exciting research writing project for sure!  Each student will be given a choice of spiders to choose from (tarantula, wolf spider, black widow).  They'll then do research with a partner based on the spider they have chosen, complete the writing organizer, and then create their spiders.  Each student will be graded for their writing based on the organizer and sloppy copy for writing, and research for science.  They will also create their own project with their writing, but the research will be done with partners.  It's an exciting project, but does take some time to complete. 

The students have taken their first quarter benchmark on the computer system Galileo.  This benchmark is not included in any grades, but they did pretty awesome!  I was very impressed with how well they did, but most importantly how well they listened while we were quietly completing the tests.  They have also taken their end-of-first-quarter STAR reading test.  I will be sending home a copy of their results with their grade report after Fall Break.  Some reading levels have lowered, stayed the same, or raised.  This benchmark is also not included in the grades- but it does help me base where I start the students' reading levels and ranges.  I do, however, continue to take in account how the each student does during their AR reading goals each week.

Everyone will be taking home a Fall Break homework packet tomorrow.  It's not required for it to be completed, just a suggestion and quick way for everyone to earn a couple of nickels for their banks.  It's due Monday the 21st.

Oct. 14                Columbus Day
Oct. 14 - 18         Fall Break
Oct. 25                Report Cards go home
Oct. 30                Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30

Oct. 9                  Illiyanna
Oct. 25                Alex
Oct. 27                Cristian

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Hotmail email addresses

The district technology department has become aware of an issue with email addresses from Hotmail that don't receive emails from the school district email.  Emails from your address may not be coming through, and vise versa.  As of right now, emails from any Hotmail accounts have not bounced back because I have saved your address.  If any of yours have bounced back, please add me to your "safe list".


Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

Field Trip update

After talking with a couple of the other 2nd grade teachers, it occurred to me that it would be beneficial for the students for a couple changes on the 23rd:
  • Have students bring in their backpacks and homework on the 23rd- students need to get into the classroom just after 7:30 that morning, so we'll have time for everyone to turn everything in and for me to check it and return it back.  Please have them bring in their backpacks as well, but they won't need to take it with them on the trip.  I'll have a bucket for the sack lunches, and jackets or sweaters can be tied around waists.  Arriving early will also give us time for everyone to get a drink of water, go to the bathroom, and for me to take attendance.  We should be leaving at or about 8:15, rather than previously stated 8:30.  We'll end up returning slightly earlier, at 1:45 instead of 2:00.  This time difference will then also give us time to get back to the classrooms and collect belongings.  I'm asking for pumpkins to be returned to the classroom and left there overnight- we'll be decorating them the following school day!
My apologies about the confusion!  I'll send home a reminder on the 22nd regarding bringing in homework the 23rd.  Have a great and restful weekend!

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade

The Toucan Squawk, Sept. 30 - Oct. 4

Hello families...I hope everyone has had a great week so far!  We have been continuing addition and subtraction with and without regrouping this week- and we will be working through it into next week as well.  The students have also been reviewing all of the math we studied this first quarter on the Accelerated Math system, which is a part of the Renaissance Place family of programs.  You will start to see these in the grade book.  

And thanks to the AWESOME PDS PTO- we were able to purchase seats for Math Facts in a Flash for some of the grades!  I'm so excited to have this program back because this is a great tool for the students to practice math facts on the computers.  Once they have started taking practice quizzes and tests, your student's information will start to show up on your Renaissance Place Home Connect.  As a reminder, students can take only the practice quizzes at home, but will be able to take both the quizzes and tests and school.  This program will also be integrated into the classroom for center rotations in the mornings as part of the students' Blue Center, and in the afternoons as part of math rotations for intervention and enrichment.

The students are also completing literacy reviews for the past quarter lessons of ABC order and compound words.  These will also go into the grade book.

Our field trip to Apple Annie's will be Oct. 23rd.  Space is limited on the bus, so I'm randomly choosing 5 parents/guardians to join us on the bus with the students and the other 2nd grade classes from the returned chaperone slips.  You are more than welcome to follow or drive ahead in your own vehicle- but please remember the $8.00 per adult still applies.  You are also more than welcome to sign your child out early at Apple Annie's and head back early.  I will have a sign-out sheet for you to sign, I'll turn this in to the office, and the office staff will take care of adjusting the attendance as necessary once we return.  I always get excited about this field trip- but there are a few things to remember prior to leaving:
  • When students arrive at school on the 23rd, have them come in the classroom starting at 7:30- we will have only a short amount of time in the morning to collect attendance, have everyone get a drink of water, and go to the bathroom.  We'll need everyone on the bus by 8:30.  If you are driving your own vehicle, you are welcome to leave earlier once I have taken attendance.     
  • Apply sunscreen- we will be out in the sun all day.  Your child is welcome to bring a hat and/or sunglasses.  They will need to be responsible for these items.
  • Bring a bottle of water- it's a long day and students need to stay hydrated.  Write your child's name on the bottle.  I would suggest a disposable bottle, not the nice ones to keep- that way your child will have less to carry when they finish drinking.
  • Pack a sack lunch- we will be having lunch at the farm, so please pack something that does not need to be heated or refrigerated.
  • Clothing- bring a sweater or jacket and wear sneakers.  No sandals or other open-toed shoes, skirts, or dresses please!
  • Please send your child with their backpacks.
  • Do not turn in homework on the 23rd- students will be taking home their usual homework the previous night, BUT do not send it to school with them on the 23rd!  There won't be time to check it prior to leaving, and I don't want anyone to forget it in the classroom or lose it somewhere along the way.  I'll send home a reminder on the 22nd.
  • Positive behavior counts- if students make negative behavior choices in the coming week, they may not be able to attend the field trip.  It's something that truly breaks my heart, but there have been several children in the past who have not attended this field trip due to negative choices.  If any students are chosen to not attend, I will contact you ahead of time to let you know.  They will be spending the day in another classroom with work to complete.
  • Health and medication- I will have any medication your child has at school from the nurse (EpiPen, etc) in case of an emergency.
  • Class t-shirts- students are invited to wear their class t-shirts.  It's not a requirement, but it just makes the trip fun to identify everyone by their shirts.
Apple Annie's is a fantastic and fun field trip, and I truly hope everyone has a great time!

Oct. 11                Teacher in-service, early release at 11:30.
Oct. 14                Columbus Day.
Oct. 14 - 18         Fall Break, no school.
Oct. 23                Field trip to Apple Annie's.
Oct. 25                Report cards go home.
Oct. 30                Teacher in-service, early release at 11:30.

10/9                    Illiyanna
10/25                  Alex

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
