
Apple Annie's!

Tomorrow is our field trip to Apple Annie's!  I honestly don't know who is more excited- them or me.  I always look forward to this field trip each year- the kids get to be outside for longer than recess, and they get to choose their own pumpkin.  Really, it can't get any better.  I discussed with the students this afternoon what I want them to bring in, but as a reminder...
  • Bring homework and backpack- the students will need to turn in their homework.
  • Long pants or shorts.
  • Closed toed shoes- boots or sneakers, whichever is more comfortable.
  • Sunscreen.
If your student takes any medication you feel is necessary for them to have tomorrow- please drop by in the morning to drop it off at the nurse's office.  I will be taking anything any student will need- EpiPen, asthma meds...

We will be leaving about 8:15.  Students need to be at the room by 7:30- I'll be collecting homework and returning reading logs for tomorrow.  This will also be plenty of time for everyone to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water.  We'll be returning about 1:45, which will be time for everyone to pack up and prepare to go home.  I'm asking the students to leave their pumpkin on their desks- we'll be decorating and taking pictures on Thursday!

Oct. 21 - Nov. 6           Canned food drive
Oct. 25                         Report cards go home
Oct. 30                         Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30.

Oct. 9                           Illiyanna
Oct. 25                         Alex
Oct. 27                         Cristian

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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