And thanks to the AWESOME PDS PTO- we were able to purchase seats for Math Facts in a Flash for some of the grades! I'm so excited to have this program back because this is a great tool for the students to practice math facts on the computers. Once they have started taking practice quizzes and tests, your student's information will start to show up on your Renaissance Place Home Connect. As a reminder, students can take only the practice quizzes at home, but will be able to take both the quizzes and tests and school. This program will also be integrated into the classroom for center rotations in the mornings as part of the students' Blue Center, and in the afternoons as part of math rotations for intervention and enrichment.
The students are also completing literacy reviews for the past quarter lessons of ABC order and compound words. These will also go into the grade book.
Our field trip to Apple Annie's will be Oct. 23rd. Space is limited on the bus, so I'm randomly choosing 5 parents/guardians to join us on the bus with the students and the other 2nd grade classes from the returned chaperone slips. You are more than welcome to follow or drive ahead in your own vehicle- but please remember the $8.00 per adult still applies. You are also more than welcome to sign your child out early at Apple Annie's and head back early. I will have a sign-out sheet for you to sign, I'll turn this in to the office, and the office staff will take care of adjusting the attendance as necessary once we return. I always get excited about this field trip- but there are a few things to remember prior to leaving:
- When students arrive at school on the 23rd, have them come in the classroom starting at 7:30- we will have only a short amount of time in the morning to collect attendance, have everyone get a drink of water, and go to the bathroom. We'll need everyone on the bus by 8:30. If you are driving your own vehicle, you are welcome to leave earlier once I have taken attendance.
- Apply sunscreen- we will be out in the sun all day. Your child is welcome to bring a hat and/or sunglasses. They will need to be responsible for these items.
- Bring a bottle of water- it's a long day and students need to stay hydrated. Write your child's name on the bottle. I would suggest a disposable bottle, not the nice ones to keep- that way your child will have less to carry when they finish drinking.
- Pack a sack lunch- we will be having lunch at the farm, so please pack something that does not need to be heated or refrigerated.
- Clothing- bring a sweater or jacket and wear sneakers. No sandals or other open-toed shoes, skirts, or dresses please!
- Please send your child with their backpacks.
- Do not turn in homework on the 23rd- students will be taking home their usual homework the previous night, BUT do not send it to school with them on the 23rd! There won't be time to check it prior to leaving, and I don't want anyone to forget it in the classroom or lose it somewhere along the way. I'll send home a reminder on the 22nd.
- Positive behavior counts- if students make negative behavior choices in the coming week, they may not be able to attend the field trip. It's something that truly breaks my heart, but there have been several children in the past who have not attended this field trip due to negative choices. If any students are chosen to not attend, I will contact you ahead of time to let you know. They will be spending the day in another classroom with work to complete.
- Health and medication- I will have any medication your child has at school from the nurse (EpiPen, etc) in case of an emergency.
- Class t-shirts- students are invited to wear their class t-shirts. It's not a requirement, but it just makes the trip fun to identify everyone by their shirts.
Oct. 11 Teacher in-service, early release at 11:30.
Oct. 14 Columbus Day.
Oct. 14 - 18 Fall Break, no school.
Oct. 23 Field trip to Apple Annie's.
Oct. 25 Report cards go home.
Oct. 30 Teacher in-service, early release at 11:30.
10/9 Illiyanna
10/25 Alex
10/27 Cristian
Thank you for all you do!
Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade
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