
The Toucan Squawk, Oct. 7 - Oct. 11

Hello families...I hope everyone has had a great week!  We have finished up our reviews of addition and subtraction with and without regrouping and have moved into mental math.  This has been a neat unit because the students have been able to use all they have learned from the past quarter.  We'll most likely do a review group after Fall Break.

You will notice a few different writing grades on ParentVue- the students did a few assessments based on the Daily Oral Language morning work pages the students do each morning.  The assessments are based on the use of capital letters, punctuation, and grammar sense.  At the end of each quarter, assessments will be given and included in the writing grades. 

Next quarter, the students will be starting a writing project about spiders!  This is an exciting research writing project for sure!  Each student will be given a choice of spiders to choose from (tarantula, wolf spider, black widow).  They'll then do research with a partner based on the spider they have chosen, complete the writing organizer, and then create their spiders.  Each student will be graded for their writing based on the organizer and sloppy copy for writing, and research for science.  They will also create their own project with their writing, but the research will be done with partners.  It's an exciting project, but does take some time to complete. 

The students have taken their first quarter benchmark on the computer system Galileo.  This benchmark is not included in any grades, but they did pretty awesome!  I was very impressed with how well they did, but most importantly how well they listened while we were quietly completing the tests.  They have also taken their end-of-first-quarter STAR reading test.  I will be sending home a copy of their results with their grade report after Fall Break.  Some reading levels have lowered, stayed the same, or raised.  This benchmark is also not included in the grades- but it does help me base where I start the students' reading levels and ranges.  I do, however, continue to take in account how the each student does during their AR reading goals each week.

Everyone will be taking home a Fall Break homework packet tomorrow.  It's not required for it to be completed, just a suggestion and quick way for everyone to earn a couple of nickels for their banks.  It's due Monday the 21st.

Oct. 14                Columbus Day
Oct. 14 - 18         Fall Break
Oct. 25                Report Cards go home
Oct. 30                Teacher in-service, 1/2 day early release at 11:30

Oct. 9                  Illiyanna
Oct. 25                Alex
Oct. 27                Cristian

Thank you for all you do!

Elizabeth Townsend
Second Grade


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