
December Book Order

Hello families!

The December book order is open and available on http://teacher.scholastic.com/clubs/routing.asp.  You can still continue to order from the November selection until the 30th.  The December order will be up until Wednesday, December 15th.  Thank you so much for ordering!  With every parent order online, we can receive a free book from Scholastic.  By ordering either way, through the order sent home or online, I can receive points which can then be acculumated so much I am able to order books for the classroom.  Every bit helps!

With the ending of the second quarter speeding our way, I'll be calling home regarding concerning academics and behavior.  I'd like to meet in person to discuss anything we will need to address in the coming quarters (there's only 2 left after December, crazy how time flies!).  However, I completely understand how schedules can conflict.  If we are unable to meet in person, we can most definietly have a phone or email conference.

I'm sending home an envelope today.  The students will need to give it to you for anything inside to be taken care of.  Please return any necessary items by TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23RD.  However, the earlier the better, as this will give me time to check who needs to return the items and who doesn't.  This is much appreciated, and all students will benefit by participating.

Have a wonderful week, and thank you for all you do!


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